Klausurenphase steht vor der Tür, zum Glück isses nur Written Comm 1 und die American Culture Vorlesung. Nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil ich ne faule Sau bin. Danach dann noch das Syntax & Semantics-Blockseminar bei Frau Amrehn. Und so langsam nimmt auch das Album Nummer zwei der Kosmoproleten Gestalt an. Es werden immer mehr Songs als die ursprünglichen 13. Aber vielleicht fliegt auch noch der eine oder andere raus, wer weiß. Das "Oldenburg"-Musikvideo ist fertig geschnitten, danke dafür an Markus und Amon, die dafür verantwortlich zeichnen, dass es in einer Woche spätestens dann komplett fertig ist. Dafür meine übliche Thematik: Privatleben. Ich will nicht allzusehr ins Detail gehen - einfach ist es nie. Aber dafür gibts jetzt vielleicht einen Silberstreif am Horizont.
In diesem Sinne ein Text meiner neuen Mitlieblingsband Trapt:
Are you having trouble keeping up Seeing this thing through
I want to know who you're running from Me or you
You're too confused to open up Feel the way I do
I want to know who you're thinking of cause I really have no clue
Another game of charades
Don't you know everybody plays
I don't want to lose to you that way
Maybe we'll be different this time around
Maybe we'll be different I don't know
Don't want to strangle this, so I'm holding back for now
Calm down don't take it too far
I know only time can heal scars
So I'm ready when you are When you are
I'm ready when you are
(Tied down) Don't want any false starts
I can do without the time apart
So I'm ready when you are When you are
I'm ready when you are
Are you having trouble keeping up You know that I will wait
I wonder if it's good enough To make you stay
You're too confused to open up You don't know what to say
Well you can tell me if you think it's love I won't be far away
I want to know if you're thinking of me
I'll be counting the hours even though I know I'm free
Too soon to take a chance No more questions left to ask
I could be anything, but the one thing I'm not sure you want to be
Calm down don't take it too far
I know only time can heal scars
I'm ready when you are When you are
I'm ready when you are
Don't want any false starts
I can do without the time apart
I'm ready when you are When you are
I'm ready when you are
Calm down don't take it too far
I know only time can heal scars
So I'm ready when you are When you are
I'm ready when you are
Calm down Don't want any false starts
I can do without the time apart
So I'm ready when you are When you are
I'm ready when you are
Calm down, I'm ready when you are [x4]